
My name is Tracie. I am just a county girl with big dreams for the future. I have been married for almost 14 years to my best friend. He is a pastor, EMT, & firefighter. We have 3 (for now - maybe I can talk him into the 4th) of the most beautiful kids in the history of the world. I'm just a little biased. Austin is 11 and entering the 6th grade. He loves football, dirt bikes, & hunting. Makenzie is 7 and entering 2nd grade. She plays soccer, cheer leads, & has the most tender heart I have ever seen (except towards her older brother). Logan is 2. He is loving, mischievous & gets into everything. My family is starting our 4th year on this homeschool journey. It hasn't been easy, but the harvest will be worth it!

We started out in a co-op, but learned very quickly that wasn't for us. Now don't get me wrong, I loved the people, but I didn't like the demands of "their" schedule. One of the joys of homeschool is setting your own pace. It wasn't a waste of time, we made good friends, learned many lessons in a short amount of time, and stumbled onto Tapestry of Grace.

In our short time homeschooling, I have tried, tossed, tried again, hated, loved, & settled into several different curriculum. There are SO MANY to choose from!! Tapestry has been one of the constants. Now while many people use Tapestry of Grace in many different ways, we only use the history & geography. Occasionally, we throw in the art projects. I also use it very loosely. I don't buy every single book that they recommend. I would LOVE to, but we don't have the finances or the room. I do still buy more than I need to, I'm sure! If I can't find a book from their list, I gladly substitute something from the library. I am also an avid Story of the World user. We have the CDs & my kids LOVE them! Hey, it makes my job easier too.

I wanted to homeschool my kids from day 1. I worked at a local credit union and had good hours, but as my son got closer to Kindergarten, I started to panic. My 2 oldest have always been in day care, so that wasn't the issue. I fast forwarded many years & saw me leaving work, fixing supper, doing homework, baths, & bed. I imagined missing many extracurricular events & never having time for fun. It probably didn't help that I realized day care was raising my daughter. I only saw her 2 hours a day (she went to bed early).

My husband thought I was NUTS! No way did he want his kids to be unsocialized & unaccepted. (He laughs at that now! We are so involved, its crazy at times!)

I started praying desperately! James 5:16 "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

Two weeks before my son started kindergarten, I accepted a position with the same school system. God is so good!

Long story short.......My husband announced his call to preach. His attitude toward home school changed. I left my job and we brought my 2nd grader home in order to teach him & his siblings the way we wanted to.

I use blogging as part therapy, part diary, part proof, & part ministry. You never know when I'm going to have an epiphany or find something that completely ticks me off. I've never been good at holding my tongue, have been known to eat my foot repeatedly, & will cry at the drop of a hat. If you want to join me in this life that I affectionately refer to as The Insane Asylum, feel free to check out my personal blog at G.R.A.C.E., follow it on Facebook, & drop by my home business.

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